

Various funding agencies (World Bank, Netherlands Government, UPU) considered conducting the 3rd Strategic Conference on Postal Banking in Central Asia of the utmost importance, with a view to catalysing the reform process in, and strengthening the dialogue between the Central Asian nations concerned.  The senior management of the postal services of Central Asian countries were addressed by the Deputy Secretary General of The Ministry on the importance of postal banking for the development of a viable postal network and paid a study visit to Postbank in Netherlands.

The project was based on undertaking one case study in the Central Asian region in the framework of the abovementioned Strategic Conference on Postal Banking which was held in Tashkent in November 2000.

Uzbekistan was chosen for this case study as the findings of the study would be relevant and be disseminated to other countries in the region, which have parallels in background, history as well as obstacles to overcome in reforming their postal financial services. Uzbekistan has commenced with a partnership between Uzbekiston Pochtasi and Aloqabank for savings mobilization and cashless payments.  Purpose of the study was to elaborate high level PFS development scenarios, as a basis for subsequent detailed formulation of (bankable) projects. 

The findings were an important component in the Strategic Conference on Postal Banking in Tashkent in which the Secretary-General of the Universal Postal Union and the top management of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications.  The Conference resulted in acceptance of a set of principles for development of postal financial services.